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Hi there!

I'm Noël, happy hiker and long time believer in being an integrated and positive part of the natural world. I'm currently located in the Fraser Valley in beautiful British Columbia and loving every minute of it!


In the past I had the privilege of spending summers working for Parks Canada in  stunning Waterton Lakes National Park, up close and personal with its visitors and wildlife on a regular basis. In addition to the day-to-day management of human-wildlife interactions, I specialized in educating the public about bears and what to expect when camping and hiking in bear country. It surprised me how many myths about bears and their behaviour still existed, and how dangerous those myths could be.

Moving forward through university, I found myself becoming very passionate about educating the public and have even extended that passion to educating my team as a Search and Rescue volunteer. I put together my first professionally oriented presentation for my team in 2014 with the help of the local conservation service and have been looking to expand that horizon since. 

This website is one part a link to the programs I have established, and one part quick information and useful links to expand your knowledge on your own time! 


Thanks for stopping by, enjoy!

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